
Verband der Züchter und Freunde des Arabischen Pferdes e.V.

Studbook online

Hints for VZAP studbook online usage:

Data source:
The displayed data originate directly from the VIT program for studbook management of the VZAP. The data are up to date as much as possible. A delay can occur regarding to the registration of foals during the current breeding season. Nevertheless data errors are possible. Please give us your feedback by email info@vzap.org in case of any detected data inconsistency.

We will check the case and correct if required. Your feedback helps to improve the data quality of our studbook.

Please follow the help box to enter a wanted horse name into the form. If the search was too generic, the number of horses to be displayed is too huge. The system will ask you to be more specific. If you enter more attributes like colour and/or breed and/or sex and/or breeding year an smaller number of horses will be displayed.

For each selected breeding horse a list of offspring will be displayed if the offspring is registered with a studbook number by the VZAP.

Doublet dataset:
A horse with several data sets and different detail data is possible, if the horse was registered in different German breeding organizations without consultation.

Please contact the VZAP office for any lack of clarity.

International (WAHO) Purebred Arabian Horse Studbooks:
In the pedigree of the Purebred Arabian Horse the origin of the horses and the ancestors are given by abbreviations listed in the following table:

AHRA USA Arabian Horse Registry of America
AHSA Australia The Arabian Horse Society of Australia
AHSB United Kingdom The Arab Horse Society
AVS Netherlands Arabische Volbloedpaarden Stamboek
B-A/BAPS Belgium Belgisch Arabisch Paardenstamboek
ASBB Hungary Arabian Studbook Babolna
BdSb Egypt Badeia Stables Studbook
CAHR Canada Canadian Arabian Horse Studbook
CH-AV Switzerland Schweizer Zuchtgenossenschaft für Arabische Pferde
DSAH Denmark Dansk Selskab for Arabisk Hesteavl
EAO Egypt Egyptian Agricultural Organization
EGSB Germany East German Studbook (now: Germany, VZAP)
FA Sweden Swedish Arab Horse Registry
GASB Germany German Arabian Stud Book/German Arab Horse Society (VZAP)
HSSB Egypt Hamdan Stables Studbook
IASB Israel Israel Arab Horse Registry
IOHB Egypt Inshass Original Herdbook
It Italy Associazione Nazionale Italiana Cavallo Arabo
LASB Lithuania Lithuanian Horse Breeders Association
MSB Morocco & Libya Ministere de l’Agriculture
Oe-AV Austria Verband d. Vollblutaraberzüchter Österreich
PAHR USA The Purebred Arabian Horse Registry
PASB Poland The Agricultural State Property Agency Polish Arabian Studbook
PSA Brazil & Paraguay Associacao Brasileira Dos Criadores Do Cavalo Arabe
PSB Portugal Associacao Portuguesa d. Criadores de Races Selectas
RAS Egypt Royal Agricultural Society Studbook
RASB Russia The Russian Arabian Studbook
SBA Argentina Studbook Argentino
SBF France Studbook of France (SIRE)
SBT Tunisia Fondation Nationale D’Amelioration De La Race Chevaline
SBWM Germany Studbook Weil-Marbach
SIRE France Studbook of France (SBF)
SSB Spain Comision Del Registro Matricula